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Location: Sneads Ferry, NC, United States

I am a Certified Nurse Midwife. I am creating this blog as a way to journal my births - for my own personal and professional growth and to share the beauty of normal birth. My faith walk is very much tied up with midwifery. Midwifery has taught me just about everything I've learned about God. Update-now that it's been nearly 2 years since God allowed me to practice as a midwife, I have found that He reveals Himself in MANY ways if we seek Him. And he has been teaching me to seek Him, regardless of what work he calls me to. New update, I've been working as a "real" nurse midwife for a year and this blog has "morphed" into sharing my journey through life, whether it be from home, work, family. LIFE teaches us, not just our life work.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Tribute to Willie

This weekend Willie will go to live at a new house - that is the way we explained it to Ashton. He has been a faithful guard dog, walking companion (OK, walking nemesis) and otherwise "here if you need me" kind of dog. I'm sorry to say, I never really did. I didn't allow myself to. Need him, that is. I know that isn't "right". A person isn't supposed to live with a dog for 13 years and not "need" him, I don't think.

Blame it on my parents- that's what I'm doing right now. According to "How We Love", a book I'm reading by Milan & Kay Yerkovich, it's all because I grew up without knowing how to give and receive comfort. Now as an adult, I am struggling to learn it. It's pretty basic to relationships and I'm thinking I'm onto something big here, but that's another story.

With the girls grown and away from home, Willie is more of a chore to us than anything else. Well, I think Jerry has more of a connection with him than I do. But nevertheless, he is willing to part with him. We want to do some backyard landscaping and it's pointless as long as there's a dog there. So after much email searching, I have found what I hope is a good home for him. Hopefully, one where he will give and receive an abundance of love.

Even without ever really opening my heart to fall in love with Willie, I must admit that it pains me to see him go. He has been a faithful friend to Staci especially, and even now Ashton knows him and is starting to love him. I know I will miss his presence when I go out the back door, his friendly tail wagging greeting and wet lick on the hand. I'll miss seeing him run around the yard like crazy just because someone has joined him. I'll miss seeing him dash up the street in the fresh snow, or just "chillin'" in his kingdom, with his head resting on his tree stump. I'll miss seeing him chase behind our Passport which is pulling Staci on the purple tobaggan in an among the trees in the backyard. And it will be really hard when Ashy asks about him and the bedtime ritual he shares with his Bampa of throwing bites of hotdog in the air for Willie to catch before he is tucked into bed for the night in the safety of our garage.

If these memories are enough to make me cry, I am so sorry for my daughters and husband, who are now having the sorrow of saying goodbye to a beloved friend and confidante. One consolation, as Jerry said the other day, at least it is easier to say goodbye before he is dead. It's even harder to lay a dog to rest. But this is almost as bad. It is goodbye, nonetheless. Please God, give Willie a happy life with Kathleen and her son. Let his days be filled with doggie joys!

OK, so now Jerry and I are actually reconsidering our decision. Maybe we should just let him live out his days he has left here, where he is comfortable. Maybe we could "corral" him in the far back yard so we could do our landscaping and he wouldn't disturb it. It would definitely cramp his style, but probably not as much as sending him away would. Well, we have 24 hours to think about it.


Blogger Jawndoejah said...

I have questions about insurance and Sage Femme...

I was thinking ahead as my husband enrolls once a year. I want to be free to afford your center when I get pregnant again. I have a 2 month old baby right now...


9:07 AM  
Blogger kirsten said...

We would be honored to serve you. Check with Kyle for insurance specific ?s. Come take a tour any Tuesday or Friday so we can meet!

8:29 PM  

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