Essential Birth Equipment
We discussed the pros and cons of breaking her water. She asked if I thought that would bring baby any faster and if I thought we should do that. With only slight hesitation (because this was all going on tape) I said I thought we needed to pray. ("Now there's something most doctors don't suggest during a crisis" I was thinking as the camera was fixed on me) I couldn't help but wonder what in the world Lucy was thinking - if this was just blowing her English mind. Oh well, I reminded myself, this is why she's here, to see what homebirth in America is like. And homebirth with me definitely includes accessing the power of God through prayer. So, after S. and C agreed, I prayed thanks for them and their baby, for God's plan for the baby, for His protection and safe delivery of the baby and for wisdom for us in decision making. After praying, as I listened to baby's heart, I was reassured that he was doing well with only mild variables. And S. seemed to be making good progress as she said the baby was very low. So, we decided not to break her water. About an hour from when S. was 7 cms, she very quickly (1 pushing contraction) delivered a healthy, vigorous boy. S. was the one to see the cord wrapped around his neck and to remove it as she brought him to her chest. His apgar score was 9/9/9.
As I have reflected on this labor I realized that of course God would ordain it that there would be something a little out of the ordinary so that we would need to pray. While I don't like hearing non-reassuring FHTs, I DO very much like to see Jehovah the healer, provider, and sheperd make his power and presence known. I know it may have seemed very unconventional to Lucy as I bowed my head and called upon the name of Jesus. Heck, it's probably way outside the "standard of care" if those who are opposed to homebirth wanted to complain about me being an unsafe practitioner. But anyway, when I am not in the hospital with all of the support of extra staff to help out quickly, to start an IV or provide some other "heroic" task, I am REALLY glad that I have God with me to intervene. And I am really glad that He answered all of my prayers yesterday and showed Himself to be the great physician. And I hope that the documentary doesn't cut that prayer out. Maybe even just 1 woman will see that and it will cause her to stop and rethink her position, "Do I place my trust in God or in man?" To be able to place our trust in God in birth is so very rewarding. I wish more women who call themselves Christians would only see that.