I seriously think I have H1N1 influenza! I've never had these symptoms for 3 days straight. Sore throat, cough (with crud), cough, body aches, cough, wheeze, laryngitis, chills, fatigue and now fever and headache. Did I mention the cough? Started myself on antibiotic for the above mentioned crud and concerns that there is bacterial involvement going on. Been reading about women my age w/o risk factors ending up dying and/or being on a ventilator. So, weird stuff. But that leads me to blogging. I'm running out of sedentary activities but don't have the energy for being physically active. I am grateful that I am having flu here and now, rather than away from home or right after starting a new job. Not that I have a new job to start or anything...But I do believe that I am sufficiently immunized from getting this bug again.
Ok, so maybe this isn't a good idea. The ideas aren't flowing. All I think about is my body and what it's feeling. So, that's it for tonight. Since I've pretty much covered that topic. :)