Midwife Musings

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Location: Sneads Ferry, NC, United States

I am a Certified Nurse Midwife. I am creating this blog as a way to journal my births - for my own personal and professional growth and to share the beauty of normal birth. My faith walk is very much tied up with midwifery. Midwifery has taught me just about everything I've learned about God. Update-now that it's been nearly 2 years since God allowed me to practice as a midwife, I have found that He reveals Himself in MANY ways if we seek Him. And he has been teaching me to seek Him, regardless of what work he calls me to. New update, I've been working as a "real" nurse midwife for a year and this blog has "morphed" into sharing my journey through life, whether it be from home, work, family. LIFE teaches us, not just our life work.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Gettin Old and All That JAZZ

Home from eye exam with opthamologist who did my LASIK 7 years ago. I have beginning stages of cataractss!!! "2/10", with 6 or 7 being when people have surgery to get new lenses. Wow, I'm too young. Wondering if the LASIK procedure (with 2 "touch ups") had anything to do with this development. Anyway, guess it's time to get some glasses so I'm not always hunting for some reading glasses. I'm also not seeing distance as well as I'd like, so long story not so short, I need bifocals. I think I'm getting OLD.

We went out to dinner (J and I) at JAZZ compliments of Christmas gift last year from Angel and Hillary. Delicious crab cakes a La Mer. MMMMmm. It was nice to get out of the house for the first time in 5 days since having the flu. But it's 7:30 and I'm ready for bed.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Silly Sadie

I give Sadie a drink of my cranberry/pomegranate juice and she offers her independent opinion:
"This juice tastes good. My no like it."

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Nature's Vaccine-The Real Deal

I seriously think I have H1N1 influenza! I've never had these symptoms for 3 days straight. Sore throat, cough (with crud), cough, body aches, cough, wheeze, laryngitis, chills, fatigue and now fever and headache. Did I mention the cough? Started myself on antibiotic for the above mentioned crud and concerns that there is bacterial involvement going on. Been reading about women my age w/o risk factors ending up dying and/or being on a ventilator. So, weird stuff. But that leads me to blogging. I'm running out of sedentary activities but don't have the energy for being physically active. I am grateful that I am having flu here and now, rather than away from home or right after starting a new job. Not that I have a new job to start or anything...But I do believe that I am sufficiently immunized from getting this bug again.

Ok, so maybe this isn't a good idea. The ideas aren't flowing. All I think about is my body and what it's feeling. So, that's it for tonight. Since I've pretty much covered that topic. :)